The Budapest Reference Connectome Server
- Máté Fellner, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: The Frequent Subgraphs of the Connectome of the Human Brain, Cognitive Neurodynamics (2019) https://doi.org/10.1007 /s11571-019-09535-y https://rdcu.be/bAHoe
- Balázs Szalkai, Csaba Kerepesi, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: High-Resolution Directed Human Connectomes and the Consensus Connectome Dynamics, PLOS ONE, Vol. 14 No. 4,: e0215473 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215473
- Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: Comparing Advanced Graph-Theoretical Parameters of the Connectomes of the Lobes of the Human Brain, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 12, No. 6, pages 549-559 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-018-9508-y https://rdcu.be/8Gwh .
- Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: Mapping Correlations of Psychological and Connectomical Properties of the Dataset of the Human Connectome Project with the Maximum Spanning Tree Method, Brain Imaging and Behavior, available online August 7, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11682-018-9937-6 , also available freely at this link.
- Balázs Szalkai, Vince Grolmusz: Human Sexual Dimorphism of the Relative Cerebral Area Volumes in the Data of the Human Connectome Project; European Journal of Anatomy, Vol. 22, No. 3. pp. 221-225 (2018)
- Csaba Kerepesi, Bálint Varga, Balázs Szalkai, Vince Grolmusz:The Dorsal Striatum and the Dynamics of the Consensus Connectomes in the Frontal Lobe of the Human Brain, Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 673, (2018), pp. 51-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2018.02.052
- Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: The Robustness and the Doubly-Preferential Attachment Simulation of the Consensus Connectome Dynamics of the Human Brain, Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, 16118, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-16326-0 (2017) [impact factor: 4.25]
- Csaba Kerepesi, Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: Comparative Connectomics: Mapping the Inter-Individual Variability of Connections within the Regions of the Human Brain, Neuroscience Letters Vol. 662, pp. 17-21, (2018) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2017.10.003
- Csaba Kerepesi, Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: The braingraph.org Database of High Resolution Structural Connectomes and the Brain Graph Tools, Cognitive Neurodynamics Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 483-486 (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11571-017-9445-1
- Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: Brain Size Bias Compensated Graph-Theoretical Parameters are Also Better in Women’s Structural Connectomes, Brain Imaging and Behavior Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 663-673, (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11682-017-9720-0
- Balázs Szalkai, Csaba Kerepesi, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: Parameterizable Consensus Connectomes from the Human Connectome Project: The Budapest Reference Connectome Server v3.0, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 11(1), pp. 113-116, (2017)
- Csaba Kerepesi, Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: How to Direct the Edges of the Connectomes: Dynamics of the Consensus Connectomes and the Development of the Connections in the Human Brain, PLoS One 11(6): e0158680. , June 30, 2016; also in arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.05703 (2015)
- Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: The Graph of Our Mind, arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.00904 (2016)
- Balázs Szalkai, Bálint Varga, Vince Grolmusz: Graph-Theoretical Analysis Reveals: Women’s Brains are Better Connected than Men’s, PLoS One, 10(7): e0130045, it is the journal version of arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.00727, January 4, 2015
- Balázs Szalkai, Csaba Kerepesi, Vince Grolmusz: The Budapest Reference Connectome Server v2.0, Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 595, 19 May 2015, Pages 60-62. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2015.03.071, Preprint version: arXiv:1412.3151, December 9, 2014.